Node-Graph Editor¶
Everything you do inside Wrap is working with nodes: creating nodes, connecting nodes and changing node parameters.
Create a Node¶
To create a node press the Tab key or the Right mouth button inside the Node-Graph Editor to show the list of nodes and select a node type you want to create.
Node-list menu contains all the possible node types you can create. Node types are grouped in several sections: Geometry, Image, Selection, Alignment.
If you start typing a node name, you will see a look-up menu of nodes. Press Enter to select the best match.
Connect Nodes¶
In order to connect two nodes press LMB on the input/output of the first node and drag the cursor to the output/input of the second node.
Alternative way is to click and release LMB on the input/output of the first node, then click and release LMB on the output/input of the second node.
Each node can have several inputs and exactly one output.
Each input is associated with a specific type (Geometry
, Image
, PolygonSelection
Every type has a unique color, for example Geometry
is blue and Image
is green.
Hold the cursor over a node input to see its name and type.
Disconnect Nodes¶
Right-click on a connection curve and from the pop-up menu click Disconnect.
Check a Node Computation Status¶
Each time an input of the node or a node parameter is changed the node is recomputed.
If the computation fails, you will see a warning sign on the left of the node. If you click on the warning sign or hold the cursor over it, you will see the an error message.
Check a Node Info¶
If you click the RMB on the node, in the context menu you will see the Node Information action.
Clicking on the action will display a node information dialog which has some useful information about the node such as: a number of vertices or polygroups in the mesh, flags displaying whether the geomety is manifold or not, etc.
Rename Node¶
Each node has a unique name. Select a node and click F2 to rename it. Alternatively, click RMB on the node and select Rename from the context menu.
Change 3D-Node Visibility¶
Each node like LoadGeom that renders itself into a 3D-viewport has a lamp sign. Click the lamp sign to turn on/off the node visibility inside 3D-viewport.
CTRL + click on a lamp sign to toggle exclusive visibility inside 3D-viewport. The node will become visible while the rest of the nodes in the node-graph will be hidden from 3D-viewport.