Merges two images into a single one.
Background image
Foreground image
Merged image
- Translation X
foreground image position in result image space along X axis
- Translation Y
foreground image position in result image space along Y axis
- Rotation
foreground image clockwise rotation angle
- Scale
foreground image scale factor
- Mode
- Normal
simple image overlapping
- Plus
sum color channel values
- Multiply
multiply color channel values
- Screen
multiply color values leaving unchanged dark areas of foreground umage
- Overlay
multiplies or screens foreground image colors according to background image colors
- Darken
chooses darken color between original and multiplied colors
- Lighten
chooses lighten color between original and multiplied colors
- Color Dodge
brighten background image according to foreground image colors
- Color Burn
darken background image according to foreground image colors
- Hard Light
multiplies or screens foreground image colors according to background image colors
- Soft Light
darkens or lighten foreground image colors according to background image colors
- Difference
substract the brightest color channel values from the darkest one in background and foreground images
- Exclusion
the same effect as Difference mode but lower in contrast
- Blend
images blend factor
- Filter Method
- Nearest Neighbor
use nearest neighbor filter method
- Bilinear
use bilinear filter method